ULAH Talks with David Luther About New Song - "Home To Kansas City"

ULAH Talks with David Luther About New Song - "Home To Kansas City"

I'm super excited to share a few questions we asked David about being a musician, and what inspired him to write his latest song "Home to Kansas City".
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David Luther Releases New Song - "Back to Kansas City"

Making genuine connections with our clients is one of the top perks of owning ULAH. When You Found Music's James Carter introduced us to singer-songwriter David Luther, we hit it off right away! David has become a great musical mentor of mine, but even better — just a really great down-to-earth friend that Joey and I love to spend time with. That's why I'm super excited to share a few questions we asked David about being a musician, and what inspired him to write his latest song "Home to Kansas City".

When did you first realize you wanted to be a musician?

"I started learning guitar during my sophomore year in high school. That's when I wrote my first songs. I think the desire to be a musician really started about 15 years ago."

How has the COVID pandemic impacted you as an artist?

"It's interesting. This complete change of pace has actually been good for me. I experienced a lot of personal growth in the last year. I focused my energy on what is important to me and worked on completing some things that I've been wanting to finish for a while. It has honestly given me chance to get my musical house in order. I'm grateful for the time — but like everyone else, I mourn the circumstance.

How long have you lived in Kansas City?

"I moved here by way of Tennessee about 8 years ago."

Glad you made your way here! What brought you to KC?

The chance to work with Tom Whitlock who wrote "Take My Breath Away", among other hit songs. We co-wrote "The World's Gonna Change", a song that is currently being mixed by Pat Tomek who engineered my newly released song "Home to Kansas City".

What's your favorite thing about Kansas City?

"Kansas City is a really special place to me. We have a rich community of artists and visionaries — people that truly encourage, support, and celebrate each other. I feel in the city what I feel inside myself: a desire and willingness to grow from our core even when it hurts. I love the many diverse areas that are unique to themselves and how they offer different and fuller experiences."

David Luther and ULAH's Buck Wimberly sharing a collaborative songwriting session.

Tell us about your latest song "Home to Kansas City". What prompted you to write it?

"I have come to love Kansas City more and more. It's where I'm raising my two boys as a single father. Their mother also lives here and I enjoy one of the best co-parenting relationships one can hope for. The longer I am here, the more my love for this city grows. I truly found myself and my heart here. That's where I write from — and so that's just what came out. I'm so grateful to dear friend and producer of the song, David George, for helping me see a larger vision for it and musically taking it there."

It was so exciting to hear it on 90.9 The Bridge the other day! Where can we listen to your song?

"Home to Kansas City" is available at my website thedavidluther.com as well as iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud, and Amazon And you can follow me on Instagram @thedavidluther.

 David Luther Releases New Song - Back to Kansas City

Thanks, David! We've already added your song to our playlist!

I hope you'll all join us in celebrating local musicians like David by downloading and sharing their music and attending their virtual performances online. Take a listen to David Luther's "Home to Kansas City". It will put you in just the right spirit to root for our Chiefs on Super Bowl Sunday!


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