As we celebrate ULAH’s 8th, and LUNA's 3rd anniversaries this October, it’s hard to believe how much we've been through since we first opened our doors. From milestones to challenges, we’ve seen it all. To mark this occasion, Sam sits down with co-owners Buck and Joey to reflect on the journey so far and whether they would choose to do it all over again.
Sam: Alright guys, so ULAH's 8th anniversary is October 20th. Looking back and knowing everything you know now, would you choose to do this again?
Buck: Yea, there’s definitely things we could have done differently—things we wished we had done differently. But we knew there would be risks, challenges, and obstacles that we’d have to figure out how to navigate.
Joey: Nobody knows everything, and that’s ok. You have to figure it out along the way and also know what you don’t know. If I could go back eight years, I’d tell myself to ask for help more often and sooner.
Buck: Owning a business is definitely a rollercoaster ride, especially in retail. One day, you’re celebrating a big win, and the next week, you might be facing a challenge you never saw coming.
Joey: Yea, no matter how much you prepare, the unexpected will always find a way to surprise you.
Buck: And the lows can be disheartening, but those are the moments that push us to evolve, and to find new solutions.
Joey: I saw a video recently that said "you never hear an inspirational story about someone who had it easy and everything went their way". The obstacles make the story worth telling. So hopefully, we’ll be one of those inspiring stories after we overcome these crazy ups and downs.
Buck: Each step of the journey has taught us lessons and reminded us why we’re passionate about serving our community and doing what we love.
Joey: So, would we do it all over again? Absolutely.
As Buck and Joey reflect on these past eight years, their story is a testament to resilience, growth, and the power of passion. ULAH has become more than just a store—it’s a reflection of our team’s dedication, our community’s support, and the countless lessons we’ve learned along the way.
Thank you for being part of this incredible journey. We’re excited to see where the next eight years take us!